Metallic fibres and chips

This type of products is especially set to friction material industry. These metallic fibers are used to increasing both thermal conductivity and material strength.
BRASS FIBER If it is used in small percentages (less then 4%) it can have a cosmetic effect. Instead, used in higher quantities, it improves thermal conductivity and helps to diffuse heat generated at the braking surface and contributes to longer life. The fiber improves the mechanical strength, too. We suggest using it in formulations between 3-10% (by wt).
BRASS CHIPS Often produced from machine shop swarf. Chemically degreased. They have similar proprieties to the brass fiber, but more irregular shape. They don't improve mechanical characteristics. We suggest using it in formulations between 3-10% (by wt).
BRONZE CHIPS It is produced from machine shop swarf. Chemically degreased. It is a quite hard metallic alloy with very good wear resistance, and improves friction level, too. We suggest using it in formulations between 2-6 % (by wt).
COPPER FIBER It is a good thermal conductor, that conducts heat away from the friction surface. A high copper percentage causes opposing surface wear. As a fiber, it has a cosmetic effect and increases mechanical proprieties (if it comes from copper wool). It's available in two different types: virgin copper fiber from wool (easy to mix and higher mechanical proprieties) and from a milled wire (cheaper).We suggest using it in formulations between 2-8 % (by wt).
STEEL FIBER Nowadays, it is probably one of the most important raw materials used in the friction industry. It provides: good friction level, good wear resistance and high mechanical strength to the final product. Instead, the disadvantages are high density and noise. It's probably used by all the manufacturers around the world. We suggest using it in formulations between 10 and 30% (by wt), but for metallic and semi-metallic formulations you can use up to 70-80%."